Uveal melanoma (eye cancer)

  • About 6,000 radiosurgical Cyberknife treatments
  • 350 successful uveal melanoma treatments
  • Excellent medical experience of our specialists on an international scientific level

For many patients and their families a tumor diagnosis – like an uveal melanoma – is a stressful situation, coupled with uncertainty and anxiety. Today, there are successful treatment methods that can be used in case of such a diagnosis.

The uveal melanoma is a rare cancerous tumor of the eye, each year about 500 people in Germany suffer from it. With the radiosurgical Cyberknife method also medium to large uveal melanomas can be eliminated without pain and without surgery.

Precise treatment with Cyberknife

The Cyberknife system is a cutting-edge medical technology that offers an alternative or addition to surgery. By precisely radiosurgical treatment tumors in the eye can be eliminated effectively. The technology works safely with a maximum protection of surrounding healthy tissue. Radiosurgery is performed in one treatment session which lasts about 30 minutes. After treatment one can pursue his everyday life as usual.


Latest generation of Cyberknife technology

The European Radiosurgery Center Munich features the latest generation of Cyberknife technology (Cyberknife M6 and InCise 2 Multileaf Collimator) and is one of the leading centers for radiosurgery worldwide.

In a personal consultation the patient will be advised about the Cyberknife treatment. The physicians will answer all questions about the therapy and will inform in detail about the opportunities and risks associatedwith the procedure. The team of the European European Radiosurgery Center Munich is ambitious to advice their patients in the best way and to carefully accompany them during the therapy.

If you are interested in the treatments with Cyberknife, you can contact us either directly or through the physicians of the University Eye Clinic Munich, Mathildenstrasse.

Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Muacevic
Radiosurgeon - Neurosurgeon

Dr. med. Alfred Haidenberger

Dr. med. Alfred Haidenberger
Radiation oncologist

Dr. med. Markus Kufeld
Radiosurgeon - Neurosurgeon

Make an appointment

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Please call us 

European Radiosurgery Center Munich
Max Lebsche Platz 31
D - 81377 München x

Phone: +49 89-452336-0

Please send us a message 

We look forward to receiving your message and will answer your enquiry as soon as possible. 


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Patient brochure

For further information please download our patient brochure. 

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