Benefits of Cyberknife

  • Low complication rate
  • No fixation
  • No open surgery
  • No patient hospital stay
  • One treatment session
  • No rehabilitation stay

The newly developed design of the Cyberknife allows a frameless and painless treatment in the area of the eye. The entire treatment planning, imaging and treatment is carried out in just one day. The total time is approximately 2,5 hours.

A surgical resection is still possible in the rare cases when the tumor grows further after Cyberknife treatment. 

Beratung Vorteile Cyberknife

Make an appointment

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Please call us 

European Radiosurgery Center Munich
Max Lebsche Platz 31
D - 81377 München x

Phone: +49 89-452336-0

Please send us a message 

We look forward to receiving your message and will answer your enquiry as soon as possible. 


Cyberknife Broschüre englisch cover

Patient brochure

For further information please download our patient brochure. 

Download (PDF)